1. Start off with clean, dry lips.
2. Scoop about a tablespoonful of brown sugar into a small bowl/cup/whatever (I used a little sauce bowl.)
3. Smear a generous amount of Vaseline all over your lips.
4. Dip Vaseline-smeared fingertip into brown sugar
bowl. Whatever sugar sticks to your finger, rub it into your lips. Use common sense here people: Don't rub too hard or too long. (Insert "that's what she said" joke.)
5. Use a warm, wet washcloth to wipe off the scrub.
6. Dry off, and apply some Vaseline as a balm.
That's it. Easy peasy. Here are my lips after scrubbing:
You don't get a "before" picture, because I look like a leper. What do you think? Have you ever used a lip scrub? If so, did you buy it or make your own?